Friday, April 3, 2009

Dinner: Slow Cooker Extravaganza

Most of you know how much I love my dear slow cooker. My good friend, LD, has a fancy-pants crock pot from All Clad that I covet. Someday. Anyway, I've enjoyed looking at these slow cooker recipes and think I'll try a few. I'll start with the Slow Cooker Chocolate Chip Cookies. Can't wait for those babies.


Anonymous said...

I gotta say -- I love slow cookers, but once I've bothered to make chocolate chip cookie dough there's NO WAY I'm waiting three hours to taste the cookies -- they're going straight into the oven. Some things just aren't meant to be slow.

Rebecca said...

Zina, I actually totally agree with you. I was thinking about that recipe on my morning run and suddenly it occurred to me: "Why not just stick them in the oven?" Either way, the other recipes do look delish.

Heather Parry said...

I am also intrigued by the idea of cookies from the crock pot (can we call a spade a spade here?). However, after reading the few reviews, I don't think I will be trying them. You're right though Becca, the other recipes do sound delicious.

Rebecca said...

That's why I love you, H. Because you call a Spade a Spade.