Ladies (I'm not ashamed to admit that all or most of you reading this are in fact Ladies)--
It is time. Summer has arrived (well, sort posse doesn't get out until June 23rd. Yes you read that right--June 23rd). At our house, the first few days of summer are magical--new flip flops, swimming parties, loud music throughout the house while we clean out our backpacks. But within a week, reality sets in. What do I make for lunch? I remember having this problem last summer. I can think of a few fun sandwiches*, but that only lasts for so long. What kinds of lunches do you make in the summer? I really need help here. Last summer my oldest daughter said she was "quesadillad out"--whatever that means. Don't be shy. Share your ideas for a fun and easy summer lunch so we can all benefit.
*Turkey wrap:
large pita bread or wraps
sliced deli turkey
lettuce, sliced tomatoes
a bit of salt
Spread a bit of mayo and mustard over pita bread. Place sliced turkey lettuce and tomatoes over bread. Salt tomatoes just a bit. Roll wrap tightly. Slice. If the wrap starts to unroll, stick it with a toothpick--the kiddies get a kick out of toothpicks.